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Brown Rice Stir-Fry (Leftover/ Clean out your fridge Friday)

So it was Friday and I needed to clean my fridge out before I went grocery shopping on Saturday; getting out the old, to get the new. Well, it is a waste to throw away partially bad veggies or day or two old rice. Why not throw it all in a stir-fry, as a one pot. Here is my quick and simple stir-fry that I made, using brown rice. Now, remember you can add or take away any of the following. I also used my Wok, but you can always use a regular frying pan.

For this dish, I used brown rice, and I made it fresh because I didn’t have any left in the fridge. So I cooked a pot of fresh brown rice and then ran cold water over it, to stop the cooking process so it would not get mushy.



For this particular dish, I used hog jowls that I diced up. Hog jowls are like thick bacon. I used it for flavoring of my rice and added texture. If you can’t get that you can use bacon or cut it out entirely, it is up to you. So dice it up and render it out in the Wok, then drain on paper towel. Don’t throw away the grease from the meat, because we will be using some, so pour it in a tin or a coffee mug and set aside.






While your hog jowls or bacon is rendering:
dice 1 yellow or white onion; 1 green bell pepper diced; 6-9 cloves of garlic, a handful of fresh curly leaf parsley roughly chopped; 8 or 9 Brussels sprouts cut in half and then quartered or sixth depending on the size; beat 4 jumbo eggs and scramble fluffy in a separate pan, then remove them from the pan and set aside.









Now time for the fun part. Pour about 2 to 3 tablespoons of the grease from your meat into the wok, and drop the brussels sprouts in and wok cook them for about 4 minutes, seasoning with kosher salt.


Then add in the onions, garlic and green bell pepper, salt and black pepper to taste, and cook for another 3 minutes. If the oil is being soaked up, add a bit more of the meat oil (or substitute for olive or grapeseed oil).



Now add in the parsley and cook for 1 minute.


*Be sure that you keep your food moving with a spoon if you are cooking in a wok, otherwise your food will not cook evenly and it will burn. Additionally, cook on high or med-high heat.

Now that all the veggies are cooked, add the rice, scrambled egg and the rendered out meat, back to the Wok as well as about 4 or 5 tablespoons of sesame oil. MIx well.




Now if you have a piece of chicken or steak or pork chop, etc, you can chop it up and add it to the dish at the end; why let it go to waste.
I myself had one rib leftover from Memorial Day, so the accompanied my stir-fry. I also added no soy sauce to the stir-fry while I was cooking it, because I didn’t want it to be too salty, so feel free to add it to taste as you like. I preferred sweet chili sauce on my rice, but that is me.

Until next time my food lover and explores: Cook, Eat and Enjoy



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Every night can’t be gourmet

So every night can not possibly be a gourmet meal, but the kids still gotta eat. These days I try my best to stay away from the process foods. Although they are cheaper than the fresh and or organic foods, they just are not heathy. But sometimes processed food is all you got.

I am trying to teach my kids about healthy eating and balance. I try to make most of our food fresh or semi-fresh, but again every meal can’t be restaurant status. Thus, tonight I kept it simple. Frozen green beans, shells and cheese from the box and pan cooked cubes steak. Very yummy.