A lot of people are probably familiar with tripe in a Mexican dish called Menudo (soup). However, I grew up eating tripe for breakfast fried with grits. So good… But it is a lengthy process.
Tripe is tough and must be boiled. So I boiled tripe in water, added a bit of white vinger, seasoning salt, pepper and garlic powder to the water, as-well-as a medium onion cut in quarters. Let boil on medium heat for 3 hours or until fork tender.
After boiling, remove from water and cut up in steak-like pieces.
Once they are cut up, season tripe with seasoning salt, pepper and garlic and then set aside and let cool.
one egg beaten is needed as well as flour.
When ready to fry, added an inch of canola oil to a frying pan and heat on med-hi heat.
added piece of tripe to beaten egg and cover and then move it to the flour and cover completely. Once the oil is hot, place battered tripe in oil and fry until golden brown.
Once they are done, transfer to paper towel and let oil drain off, sprinkle with a little salt.
Fried tripe can be eaten as is, or with grits, or can be made into a sandwich, with a little hot sauce…very versatile.