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Keep it Simple: Chicken Veggie Stir-fry 

It has been a while. The last year has been extremely difficult, but I am back and ready to keep moving forward. Over the next few weeks, there will be some changes and annoucement, but for now let’s get started.

It seems like now a day, there just doesn’t seem to be time to fit in the necessity let alone the things we desire. So often times we turn to takeout instead of making a meal, although it is not always a healthy choice. Well here is a a quick a healthy option that will take less than 15 minutes. Remember everything doesn’t have to be complicated.

Chicken Veggie Stir-fry 

Here is what you need.

1 large frying pan Or wok

3 tablespoons olive oil

16 oz cooked chicken

2- 16 oz frozen bag stir- fry veggie

2 garlic cubes (optional)

2- onion cubes (optional)

2- ginger cubes (optional)

Soy sauce


Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to a frying pan and heat on med high to high heat. Make sure your oul is hot but not  smoking before you add the veggies.

Add both bags of veggies. (There are several different kinds of frozen stir-fry, pick what you like) I love these herb cubes, that can be found in the frozen vegetable section; they are so convenient. Pop two of each in. Cook 4 minutes. Place top over to increase cooking speed. 

After about 4 or so minutes, the veggies should be well on the way to being unthawed, Push veggies to the side and add chicken, then mix everything together and cook until veggies are done and the chicken is heated completely.


Add soy sauce for seasoning. Because of the high sodium, no salt is required 


If you like things a little spicy like me, add a little crushed red pepper

And there you haveit, a quick and healthy meal that you can make in less than 15 minutes at home. Have your kids help, which can be fun and definitely a learning experience for them and you.

Until next time, cook, eat and enjoy!