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Chronic Illness Diaries: Staying Positive in Hard Times

This chronic illness vlog finds me in April, a few days away from my 43 birthday. This day, I was having a hard time, but had to encourage myself into and staying in a positive mindset, which can be difficult when traversing hard times. However, I am encouraged, and want to encourage all of you that your current trial is only temporary. 

At times we are so overwhelmed by our current circumstances that we forget that “This too shall pass”. At times we have no one around to remind us, encourage us, or speak positivity over us. But there is always you! Get in the mirror and speak, encourage, and remind yourself: This trial is temporary; this pain won’t last; it won’t be like this always; your latter is greater than your former; your best is yet to come! You are a light in the darkness!

God Loves you and so do I; Be Encouraged! Until next time remember to Cook, Eat, Enjoy, Live, and Repeat







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The Time I Got COVID | Cooking | Vlog

Back in October, 3 out of the 4 people in my house got COVID. It was difficult, but all things worked out just like they were supposed to. Prior to realizing that I was sick, I made 2 huge pots of soup that sustained us through our illness.

During this time, we were surrounded by wildfires in the Portland Oregon Metro area and we had very nasty smoke which complicates things when you’re sick and when you have asthma. But we survived by the grace of God.

Smoke from the Wildfires in the Pacific Northwest

If you would like to see my COVID experience, and the food that I made and ate, check out the Vlog below.

Korean BBQ Spread
Spicy Ttbokekki
Dumplings and sweet Potatoes
Recovery Dinner Spread

Check out and support my small business if you would and stay up to date with my content by subscribing to my social media. Online Store and stay up to date on my content by subscribing to my social media: Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube.

Until Next, stay safe and healthy and remember to Cook, Eat, Enjoy, Travel, Live, and Repeat.

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Week in My Life Vlog Feb 14-19

Hey Guys, It has been a while. This is my first post of the year, so Happy New Year. I hope your 2021 is going way better than 2020. I am trying to get back in the swing of post content on all of my platforms, but if you don’t follow me on my Instagram, follow me there, as I am most active on that platform.

In this Vlog, I am doing life, shoveling snow from this last snow storm we had here in Oregon, Cooking yummy food and trying to slowly get back in the groove of life.

Check out the vlog and be sure to subscribe to both my blog and my YouTube so you never miss when I post new content.

Be sure to check out my store for some awesome items.

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A Week in My Life During a Wildfire Threat Vlog

Oregon has quite a few fires burning this year. In fact, I would say 2020 has probably been the worst year. Early September, those fires increased to more than 37 individual fires burning in the State, including one that was about 11 miles from my house. This video shows A week in my life During a wildfire threat vlog.